University of Bristol
Tzuchien Tho
Tzuchien Tho is a Lecturer in History of Philosophy/History of science. He works on themes in early modern metaphysics, physics, and mathematical method, as well as the issues in mathematical objectivity in the 17th and 20th century. He has recently published a monograph on Leibniz's dynamics. He is more broadly interested in the influence and limits of mathematical and logical formalism in the history of philosophy.
University of Exeter
Kirsten Walsh
Kirsten Walsh is a lecturer in Philosophy. She is interested in Isaac Newton’s methodology in both historical and philosophical contexts. She asks, how ought we understand his scientific achievements and what are the upshots for theoretical accounts of science? Her approach incorporates the tools and ideas of contemporary philosophy of science, balanced with a sensitivity to historical context. This gives her research a distinctive reach into both contemporary issues in the philosophy of science and to the history of ideas. She has been carrying out her research as part of a team studying the emergence of experimental philosophy in the early modern period.
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